
TCIF2024 無事に開催.終了できたことをスタッフ一同、感謝致します
 大阪.神戸.長野.静岡&中国.台湾 と遠方から沢山参加を頂き国際色豊かに盛り上がりました



  • 講師のプロフィール&クラス内容の変更掲載が遅れましたこと、お詫びお申し上げます。






    Dear participants,
    It is with deep regret that I am writing to inform everybody that I will not be able to be with you at the Tokyo CI Festival this year. Everything was planned to come to you and share my research material and dance, when about two weeks ago, returning from my trip to Chile, my 97 year old grandmother, who was also my “mother”, fell and broke her femur . I shared my childhood with her in the home garden and preparing fresh pasta and homemade bread… She had emergency surgery and everything went well. He is now in his home but it is as before the accident.
    Anna Maria now requires assistance day and night because she still needs to recover her mobility (motricity). I took a few days to think and feel and then I realized that I want to be close to her in time and space.
    I want to thank the Festival team for understanding my need to stay in Italy in the coming months.

    Now I feel like I am dancing with my grandmother in this moment of fragility. The dance doesn’t stop.
    In the hope of arriving soon in your land and dance, I wish you good dancing and a good festival.
    A big hug to everybody

    Leonardo Lambruschini

  • 5/3(金祝) CI ① 12:30〜
  • 5/8(水) オリンピックセンターの「performance + 報告会 + JAM」は、5/3〜6の合宿とは別料金4,000円になります。(合宿参加者は 3,000円)





    東京コンタクト・インプロ・フェスティバル2024. vol.16

    2024年5月3日(金祝)- 6日(月祝)

    日本武道館研修センター 第1研修室

    食事は、ビュッフェ バラエティで沢山食べられます。



    リンダ・ブファリ(Linda Bufali、イタリア)
    1998年フィジカルシアターを学ぶ中でCIに出会い、魅了され、現在まで続く長い学びのプロセスが始まった。2008年よりイタリア(Italy Contact Festival)や国外(スペイン、ドイツ、イスラエル、ウクライナなど)にてCI講師を務める。彼女にとって教えるということは自身のCI研究の一部であり、他の人の研究の手助けやサポートをすることを意味している。彼女は、CIを可能な限り広めたいという思いから、Italy Contact Camp and CicloNomadeというイベントを企画・主催している。これは、CIが私たち、私たちの身体から始まる非常にパワフルで健康的な革命であると信じているからだ。CIは、社会的な妥協にとらわれずに誰かと会い、瞑想し、生き生きと動く衝動を保つための最良の方法だと体験を通して感じている。人生はムーブメントであり、二人で動くことが意識を加速させる。現在45歳の彼女は26歳と4歳の二人の親であり、2歳の男の子の祖母である。

    I met CI in 1998 during a physical theatre course. I was fascinated by it and began a long learning process that continues to this day. Since 2008 I have been teaching in many Italian communities (Italy Contact Festival) and abroad (Madrid, Lleida, Alcoi, Basque Country, Cologne, Israeli Contact Festival, Ukraina Contact Festival, Barcelona Contact Festival, Asturias Contact Festival, In Touch Barcelona).
    Teaching means to me feeding my own research and satisfying the need to contribute to and support that of others. I conceived and organised events with the desire to spread CI as much as possible (Italy Contact Camp and CicloNomade) because I believe it is an extraordinary, powerful and healthy Revolution that starts from us, from our bodies. Personally, I experience C.I. as the best way I have in this life to meet someone outside of social compromises, to meditate and keep the urge to move alive.
    Life is movement, moving in two accelerates awareness. Today I am 45 years old, a mother of two children aged 26 and 4. I am also a grandmother of a two-year-old boy.

    ホアキン・アルフェイ(Joaquín Alfei、アルゼンチン/イタリア)

    Joaquín Alfei (Argentinian/Italian)

    Joaquín Alfei is a performer and dancer, dance researcher, and doctor in Neuroscience (KU Leuven – Belgium). Existing in the in-between of these interwoven practices, Joaquín has been obsessed in ‘ways of knowing’ and ‘gestures’ of research in dance improvisation and science. Challenging classical divergences between subject/object, in both his dancing explorations and academic work.
    He is interested in the imagination as a physical evolutionary phenomenon, and in the realm of interaction in all of its manifestations.
    Originally from Argentina, he is presently in Italy, from where he works/teaches/performs internationally.


    映像 Vimeo  リンク Link  


    Class – Linda Bufali

    (クラス CI-A ①〜③)

    「THE SPACE OF CHOICE / 選択の空間」
    「刺激と反応の間には空間がある。その空間には、私たちが自らの反応を選択する力が内包されている。」- Viktor Frankl –

    “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl
    C.I. is dance practice based on the exploration of bodies moving through contact.
    The touch as a communication channel, to listen and to answer, so the dance as a dialogue.
    We will explore together the principles of this practice: moving together without losing contact, managing the body in space, playing different roles in the relationship with the partner.
    More concretely, I’ll propose movement experiences that help to acquire a quality of listening that open to the present and to letting in.
    We’ll build channels of connection in the skin, bones and thoughts.
    There will be also short speaking circles to continually integrate and nurture the process.
    Exercises and games that will be developed according to the structure that Nancy Stark Smith called “Simple-Complex-Simple”.


    Class – Joaquín Alfei

    (クラス CI-B ①〜③)

    「世界は、その形や空間上の関係性のみならず、行動の可能性(アフォーダンス)によっても知覚される―つまり、行動が知覚を生み出すのだ。」– J.J.ギブソン–


    Affor[dances]: a movable Contact Impro laboratory.

    “The world is perceived not only in terms of object shapes and spatial relationships but also in terms of object possibilities for action (affordances) — action makes perception.”
    — J. J. Gibson—

    I have been interested for some time in exploring the question of how to formulate research inquiries. Research hinges on asking the right questions, often open-ended ones that allow for varied answers. While science asks ‘is this the case?’ and philosophy ponders ‘what does it mean?’, dance explores ‘what if I do this again?’—engaging in practice as research. ‘Affor[dances]’, like a “relationscape,” arise from the interaction between object and user. How can we reshape affordances through ongoing dialogue in weight-sharing, within practice and space? With a deep focus on Contact Improvisation, we’ll dance these questions. In the studio, we’ll concentrate on weight-sharing, falling, and questioning. Throughout the intensive, we’ll dance both grand and intimate. I’ll provide tools for collective exploration that I’ve found valuable. Weight-sharing not only delves into the unknown but also embraces unpredictability, dwelling in the in-between and syncing with the ‘speed of our attention’ while dancing. Pedagogically, we’ll blend pre-prepared material with the improvisational spirit of research.

    申込む APPLY