

  • 5/3(金祝) CI-A ① 12:30〜
  • 5/8(水) Performance + 報告会 + JAM は、5/3〜6の合宿とは別料金4,000円になります。(合宿参加者 3,000円)


東京コンタクト・インプロ・フェスティバル2024. vol.16

2024年5月3日(金祝)- 6日(月祝)
日本武道館研修センター 第1研修室

食事は、ビュッフェ バラエティで沢山食べられます。


リンダ・ブファリ(Linda Bufali、イタリア)
1998年フィジカルシアターを学ぶ中でCIに出会い、魅了され、現在まで続く長い学びのプロセスが始まった。2008年よりイタリア(Italy Contact Festival)や国外(スペイン、ドイツ、イスラエル、ウクライナなど)にてCI講師を務める。彼女にとって教えるということは自身のCI研究の一部であり、他の人の研究の手助けやサポートをすることを意味している。彼女は、CIを可能な限り広めたいという思いから、Italy Contact Camp and CicloNomadeというイベントを企画・主催している。これは、CIが私たち、私たちの身体から始まる非常にパワフルで健康的な革命であると信じているからだ。CIは、社会的な妥協にとらわれずに誰かと会い、瞑想し、生き生きと動く衝動を保つための最良の方法だと体験を通して感じている。人生はムーブメントであり、二人で動くことが意識を加速させる。現在45歳の彼女は26歳と4歳の二人の親であり、2歳の男の子の祖母である。

I met CI in 1998 during a physical theatre course. I was fascinated by it and began a long learning process that continues to this day. Since 2008 I have been teaching in many Italian communities (Italy Contact Festival) and abroad (Madrid, Lleida, Alcoi, Basque Country, Cologne, Israeli Contact Festival, Ukraina Contact Festival, Barcelona Contact Festival, Asturias Contact Festival, In Touch Barcelona).
Teaching means to me feeding my own research and satisfying the need to contribute to and support that of others. I conceived and organised events with the desire to spread CI as much as possible (Italy Contact Camp and CicloNomade) because I believe it is an extraordinary, powerful and healthy Revolution that starts from us, from our bodies. Personally, I experience C.I. as the best way I have in this life to meet someone outside of social compromises, to meditate and keep the urge to move alive.
Life is movement, moving in two accelerates awareness. Today I am 45 years old, a mother of two children aged 26 and 4. I am also a grandmother of a two-year-old boy.

レオナルド・ランブルチーニ(Leonardo Lambruschini、イタリア)
パフォーマンス・アーティスト、CI及びContaKids講師。研究、デザイン、フェス、集中的ワークショップ、ショー、芸術作品や国際レジデンスを研究、デザイン、運営及び指導する機会を創り出す場所であるSpazio Seme International Artistic Centerの芸術監督。接触、信頼、ムーブメントを支点に大人と子どもの指導及び研究を展開している。とりわけ、「今この瞬間」への信頼をインスピレーションと意味の源として大切にしている。惹かれているのは、様々な芸術形態が言語や違いを超えて出会い、交信し、何か新たなものを生み出す場所や状況。イタリア国内外で社会人や大学生にCIを指導している。自然や旅の拡張する次元に魅力を感じる。インド、フランス、ポルトガル、ギリシャ、イスラエル、ノルウェー、スウェーデン、ドイツ、デンマーク、ロシア、モルドバ、ジョージア、北アイルランド、メキシコ、アルゼンチン、チリ、ブラジルのフェスティバルで教え、集中ワークショップを行う。12年前からItalyContactFest主催の一員であり、サザン・ユタ大学(米国)と共同で国際ダンス&ミュージック「Moving Environment」の芸術監督を務める。過去15年間、他のアーティストと数多くのパフォーマンスに参加し、インプロ及び即興構成の研究を継続し、演劇/ダンス/パフォーマンスの創作を行っている。

Performance artist and CI and ContaKids teacher. Artistic Director of Spazio Seme International Artistic Center, a place where we create opportunities to research, design, teach and manage festivals, intensive workshops, shows, artistic productions and international residencies. Contact, trust, movement are the central fulcrum around which I develop didactic and research, both for adults and children. Above all trust in the present moment as a source of inspiration and meaning. I am attracted to places and contexts where various art forms meet, communicate and create something new, which transcends languages and differences. I teach CI for adults and university students, in Italy and abroad. I feel a lot attracted by nature and the expansive dimension of travel. I taught at festivals and carried out intensive workshops in India, France, Portugal, Greece, Israel, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Russia, Moldova, Georgia, Northern Ireland, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Brazil. I am one of the organizers of ItalyContactFest since 12 years. Artistic Director of the International Dance and Music “Moving Environment” in collaboration with Southern Utah University (USA). Over the past 15 years I’ve participated in numerous performances with other artists, continuing my research on improvisation and instant composition, and produced theater/dance shows/performances.

Linda Bufali

(クラス CI-A ①〜③)
「刺激と反応の間には空間がある。その空間には、私たちが自らの反応を選択する力が内包されている。」- Viktor Frankl –

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl
C.I. is dance practice based on the exploration of bodies moving through contact.
The touch as a communication channel, to listen and to answer, so the dance as a dialogue.
We will explore together the principles of this practice: moving together without losing contact, managing the body in space, playing different roles in the relationship with the partner.
More concretely, I’ll propose movement experiences that help to acquire a quality of listening that open to the present and to letting in.
We’ll build channels of connection in the skin, bones and thoughts.
There will be also short speaking circles to continually integrate and nurture the process.
Exercises and games that will be developed according to the structure that Nancy Stark Smith called “Simple-Complex-Simple”.

Leonardo Lambruschini

(クラス CI-B ①〜③)
「TO BE TRIO / トリオになるために」

We will set out an investigation on solo, duo, trio and group playing.
We will explore different subjects in CI related to trio work.
We will learn how to play, land and fly with a partner and then how to do it with a trio and other group formations.
How are trios born? – investigating creation of trios in the space- coming into and out of them, practicing readiness for engagement.
How we can constantly modulate tone, weight and volume, in a continuous alternation of states and relationships; how can we always be available to dance and what dance asks for moment to moment.
We will cultivate moments of uncertainty as a resource that will allow us to continue our journey, venturing between the “known” and the “unknown” through dance, in that zone where creativity resides.
Determination and letting go, holding on and going with the flow, fullness and emptiness, proximity and distance, we will try to awaken to and integrate that into dance.
Through a conscious contact with the earth, we will bring our attention to a multidimensional space.
How do I discover more courage and trust in the multidimensional space of the trio? And of the group?
Be prepared to pause, to get lost, to leave, to start something new.